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Research Clearinghouse

The Research Clearinghouse houses over 600 references to important research and publications in the field of K-12 blended and online learning.

  • * Getting Started Guide: Research Clearinghouse

    Overview The guide for starting to use the Research Clearinghouse offers useful recommendations for enhancing search queries, choosing records, and exporting them for further use. Our goal is to provide users with an exceptional resource to discover and exchange research mat...

  • About Research Clearinghouse

    The Research Clearinghouse for K-12 Blended and Online Learning is a joint initiative spearheaded by the Aurora Institute and the Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute™. It offers a database of citations to research articles and other publications regarding K-12 online...

  • Access the Research Clearinghouse

    Introduction: To access the Research Clearinghouse, please make sure to utilize one of our Recommended Browsers beforehand. This guide outlines the steps to access the website. Details: Type the URL into the address bar of your browser to access the ...

  • Export Records for Use

    Introduction: The Research Clearinghouse simplifies the process of crediting fellow researchers and recognizing their ideas. This article outlines the steps to star records to your library and subsequently download citations to Microsoft Word. Details: First, add the item...

  • Find Resources Shared by Project Contributors

    Introduction: The Research Clearinghouse provides links to the websites of project contributors. This guide explains the steps to locate those links and how to add a link to your website. Details: First, navigate to the Research Clearinghouse website. Next, scroll down t...

  • Improve Your Search Results

    Introduction: Occasionally, users may require a more targeted search approach to locate particular research articles and other publications related to K-12 online and blended learning. The following steps outline the process for conducting such a search using the Research Cl...

  • Link to Clearinghouse

    Introduction: This article explains how project contributors can add their organization's website to the Research Clearinghouse, including which sites to add and the process for adding them. Details: To link relevant websites to the Research Clearinghouse, follow these...

  • Recommended Browsers

    Introduction: Different web browsers can affect how websites are displayed, which can impact the user experience. This article provides guidance on the best browsers to use for accessing the Research Clearinghouse. Details: Google Chrome is the recommended browser for usin...

  • Search for Research Articles and Other Publications

    Introduction: This article details the process of exploring articles and other publications related to K-12 online and blended learning, utilizing the Research Clearinghouse as a comprehensive reference repository.  Details: To begin, navigate to the Research Clearinghous...

  • View Record Details

    Introduction: Once search results are displayed, this process outlines the different actions that can be taken using the Research Clearinghouse, which offers a comprehensive collection of references to research articles and other publications focused on K-12 online and blend...