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Authorized third-party vendors who manage company course syllabi in Michigan's Online Course Catalog.

  • MiCourses: Duplicate a Course

    Intended Audience: Content Vendors About Content Vendors might have comparable courses to include. Utilizing the Duplicate Course feature makes it simple to replicate details from one course to another, enabling slight modifications instead of starting from scratch. Instru...

  • MiCourses: Vendor Syllabi Code

    Intended Audience: Content Vendors About In accordance with Section 21f of the State School Act, Content Vendors (third-party providers) are prohibited from creating course offerings for their proprietary online courses through Michigan's Online Course Catalog. Instead,...

  • MiCourses: Modify Course Syllabi Information

    Intended Audience: Content Vendors About Modifying course syllabi information is a straightforward process within the Course Administration site. It's important to highlight that edits can also be conveniently executed using a mobile device. Instruction From the Cour...