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Non-Public Resources

Catalog Manager (districts) and Content Vendor (third-party) resources.

  • MiCourses: Course Information

    Intended Audience: Catalog Managers, Content Vendors About When including a course in Michigan's Online Course Catalog, it is essential to provide specific details. The following document will help you fill in the necessary information fields within the Course Informati...

  • MiCourses: SCED Information

    Intended Audience: Catalog Managers, Content Vendors About  Chapter 2 of the "secondary school" document and Chapter 1 of the "prior-to-secondary" document provide an overview of the SCED codes framework, which comprises four components: course descripti...

  • MiCourses: Details

    Intended Audience: Catalog Managers, Content Vendors About The Details page will contain the course syllabus. It should indicate to students what will be expected of them in the course and how their performance throughout the course will be evaluated and graded. Required fi...

  • MiCourses: HTML Editor

    Intended Audience: Catalog Managers, Content Vendors About The HTML Editor is present on the Details page when adding course syllabi information. This feature offers a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interface that allows users to apply headings, bold/italicize text,...

  • MiCourses: Remove a Course

    Intended Audience: Catalog Managers, Content Vendors About Catalog Managers and Content Vendors may choose to remove a course syllabus. This process explains how to delete the syllabus from the the Course Administration site. Instruction First, tap the Edit button locate...

  • MiCourses: Form Errors

    Intended Audience: Catalog Managers, Content Vendors About When adding a new course syllabus, users must complete three of the five sections on the Course Information page before saving. These essential sections are: Course Information SCED Information Details Attempt...