Intended Audience: Guardians
This article pertains to courses taught by local teachers as part of a collaborative partnership.
The Michigan Virtual student information system (SIS) is the Student Learning Portal (SLP). The Student Learning Portal should not be confused with a learning management system or virtual learning environment, where course materials, assignments and assessment tests can be published electronically. The portal acts as a gateway for students to access their courses and for education establishments to manage student data, courses, and enrollments. The process below describes how to login to the system as a guardian.
- First, open a browser and navigate to the Student Learning Portal (SLP).
- Then type your email address in the Email field.
- Next, type your password in the Password field.
- Finally, tap the Sign in button to access your Dashboard.
- Your login will be your email address. If you do not remember your Student Learning Portal password, or were not given one, tap the “Forgot your Login and/or Password?” link that appears below the Sign in button.
- Continue to the Guardian Dashboard.