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Collaborative Admin: Enroll Multiple Students in a Single Course

Intended Audience: Admin Users
This article pertains to courses taught by local teachers as part of a collaborative partnership.


Using the Student Learning Portal (SLP), Collaborative Admins can enroll multiple students in a single course. The Bulk Enroll method is used for this purpose, and the following process outlines how to enroll multiple students at once.


  1. First, tap the Students tab in the top menu bar.
  2. Then select the Bulk Enroll option from the left navigation menu.
  3. Next, use the Search areas drop-down fields to narrow search results.
  4. Then tap the Get Data button.
  5. At this point, a table containing headers titled Select, ID, Student, Affiliation, and Grade columns will appear below.
    • To select students to enroll, click the box that appears in the “Select” column for the student row.
    • To select all students in the table, tap the Check All box at the top of the table.
  6. Next, tap the Bulk Enroll button at the bottom of the table. As a result, a Bulk Enroll pop-up dialog box will appear.
    The Bulk Enroll page is showing the search criteria section and the results table below. Arrows point to the select check box in the Select Column and to the Bulk Enroll button at the bottom of the page.
  7. Next, complete the form with course information.
    1. Begin by selecting the appropriate Term, Course, and Section from the drop-down fields. When choosing a Term, please select the Collaborative Partner term that correlates to the semester or trimester you are enrolling in.
    2. Next, choose a date from the Start Date field.
    3. At this time, the End Date is updated to automatically display the day the course will end for the students. Note: The Last day for Refund is the last day an enrollment can be dropped and costs reimbursed. If there is an enrollment message displayed (text in bold), read it carefully as it may contain important course information.
    4. Next, place a check in the “Accept Enrollment Terms” to agree to the course enrollment message displayed above.
    5. Finally, tap the Enroll button. As a result, a message will be displayed indicating the number of students that were enrolled in the course.
      The Bulk Enroll pop-up dialog box is shown with arrows pointing to the Start Date field, the Accept Enrollment Terms checkbox and to the Enroll button at the bottom. To exit, simply click the Close button on the dialog box.
  8. Finally, to verify that the students have been added to the course, follow the Locate Current/Successful Enrollments article.

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