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Micro-credentials: Digital Badge Access

Intended Audience: Professional Learners/Educators


The Professional Learning Portal (PLP) offers various courses with micro-credential credit options. Upon successful course completion, learners will receive a digital badge via email from "" This email also confirms if Badgr has linked the badge to the learner's account. Inside the email, there will be either a "Go To Account" or "Create Account" button.

  • If the button reads "Go To Account," an account has been set up. Learners can click this button to log in and view the badge in their backpack. 
  • If the button reads "Create Account," it means Badgr hasn't linked the badge to the email yet. 

This article provides instructions for accessing earned badges.


Account Created: Go To Account

Learners with an existing Badgr account will tap the Go To Account button displayed within the confirmation email to proceed to the sign in page. From the homepage, learners will tap the Backpack tab at the top of the page. Within the backpack page, tap the Share link and then select Link, Social or HTML tabs. Each tab will provide learners with the resources needed to share out their badges.

Badge Not Connected to Account: Account Setup

A learner's badge might not be linked to a Badgr account due to two reasons: either no account exists, or the email address is not verified. Follow the appropriate steps below to create an account or verify the email address.

  • If a learner does not have an existing Badgr account they should tap the Create Account button in the confirmation email and refer to the Create an Account process. 
  • If a learner has an account, they should refer to the Verify Email Address process. 

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