Intended Audience: District Representatives, REP
The Center of Educational Performance and Information (CEPI) recognizes Michigan Virtual as a provider of online courses and designates it as a third-party contracted for educational services to districts. Consequently, LEA, PSA, and ISD districts are required to report Michigan Virtual instructors in the statewide Registry of Educational Personnel (REP) and include them in their Nonpublic School Personnel Report (NPSPR).
REP and NPSPR files contain confidential data about Michigan Virtual instructors and are provided to meet the requirements of school safety legislation. The individual requesting access to view these reports must be authorized to access CEPI applications with a MiLogin account for the named LEA/PSA/ISD District or Nonpublic School. As these files are exclusively for CEPI REP and NPSPR reporting, files will not be accessible to teachers, counselors or building principals. TSDL data with teacher PICs can be downloaded by Affiliation users from within the Student Learning Portal (SLP).
Michigan Virtual will verify the requestor using the districts/school's website and may reach out to HR or Superintendent staff for confirmation. A separate request is needed for each requestor.
Upon approval, users must authenticate through Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) and navigate to the Reports page to access and/or download the REP Report(s).
- First, select the Reports tab located within the top menu bar.
- Next, tap Run Report under the Dynamic Reports section in the left menu.
- At this point, select a report from the Select a report drop-down list and then tap the Run Report button below. Information will be displayed in the records table below.
- Continue to CEPI upload procedures for either Hand Entering or Bulk Uploading.
Report Information
There are three REP reports for the 24-25 school year, and each report comes in two versions: a Bulk Upload version and a Hand Enter version.
- District Report: REP Full Year Since Summer (8/1-7/31)
These reports include all records up to today, encompassing both current active teachers and those who have exited as of now. They cover all teachers for the current Summer 2024, and will include Fall and Spring teachers once their enrollments begin. This format is consistent with last year’s report. For the Fall REP submission, due by December 1, this report should be used. Districts should note the date they ran this report. - District Report: REP Only Changes in the Last 30 Days (8/1-7/31)
This year, these reports only include changes from the last 30 days. This means they will show only those who started or exited within this period. Unlike last year, where the 30-day reports included all active individuals regardless of their start date, the new reports will not include those who started more than 30 days ago. As a result, if there have been no new starts or exits in the last 30 days, the report might show no results. - District Report: REP Since a Specific Date (8/1-7/31)
This feature will prompt the user to select a date. It will include all active teachers who have been active since that date, as well as any who were terminated on or after that date. For the Spring REP Submission, users should use this report and set the date to the day they ran the Fall report. As all teachers need to be exited by 6/30, if the Spring REP submission is run before Spring classes have ended, a 30 day report should be run between 6/25-6/30 so that all Michigan Virtual teachers are exited by 6/30.
The other reports available to the District Reporting user have also been updated to reflect the 24-25 school year based on today’s date:
- District Report: SCED Codes and Course Details (8/1-7/31)
This report includes all data for the 24-25 school year (Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025). It will not include Summer 2024 data. This is a comprehensive list of courses for which the district has enrollments as of today. District Reporting users can submit suggestions to Customer Care if they wish this report to include the previous summer and not the next summer. - District Report: Student and Mentor Associations (8/1-7/31)
This report shows all students and their mentors for the 24-25 school year (Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025). This will help identify who is monitoring each student or if any students are not being monitored. - District Report: Teacher Info for Your District (8/1-7/31)
This report provides all teacher data needed for the district’s SIS for the 24-25 school year (Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025). This includes the teacher’s PIC. - TSDL/MSDL Full Year – Current School Year (9/1 – 8/31)
This report covers the 24-25 school year (Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025) because summer doesn’t end until mid-August. Starting September 1, it will display results for the 24-25 school year. This report is also available to Affiliation users. This report includes the teacher’s PIC.