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District Reporting: FAQ's & Error Troubleshooting

Intended Audience: District Representatives, REP

Frequently Asked Questions


In reviewing I see a Michigan Virtual teacher with an credential endorsement that doesn’t match the Assignment code.  What should I do?
Assignment codes form a part of the course description and should align with the course NCES/SCED code. However, certain courses with Assignment codes such as BD, CF, CH, CL, CM, GM, GQ, MD, MH, MX, NJ, NP, NR, PR, PS, PX can be assigned to any teacher possessing the appropriate skills and knowledge for the corresponding grade level. Specifically, for PS, a Psychology course does not necessitate a PS endorsement. Additionally, other Assignment Codes may be associated with more than one specific endorsement code. For further clarification, please refer to the MDE Quick Reference Guide: Courses That Can Be Taught. If you have any subsequent questions, feel free to reach out to

I manage multiple districts, can I download them separately?
If you manage REP processing for multiple Districts or PSAs, the SLP queries will amalgamate them into a single file, organized by District Code and then teachers' names. If desired, you can subsequently create separate files. There are no intentions to generate distinct reports for these situations.

I see other reports. What do I do with them?
You can use the following as your district deems fit:
For Students and Mentors: Please share this information with your Academic Leader or whoever oversees your virtual enrollments. It is imperative that each student is assigned a mentor, and this report helps identify students without an assigned mentor or mentors with an excessive number of students to monitor.
For Teachers in your SIS: This report comprises Michigan Virtual Teacher data, enabling your Student Information System (SIS) manager to incorporate Michigan Virtual Teachers into your district's SIS. The SIS is where student enrollment history, grades, and course teacher information are recorded. Examples of SIS include PowerSchool, MISTAR, Gradelink, Skyward, Synergy Education Platform, Infinite Campus, etc.
For TSDL/MSDL: This report contains student, course, and teacher details for each enrollment in the current year, excluding those labeled as Dropped_Grace (dropped with a refund). It includes only the data necessary for the TSDL report, covering the entire year up to the current date.

Will there be separate files for Active and Exited/Terminated teachers?
No. The reports include both active and exited/terminated teachers within the same file.

How do I know which REP report to run?
Check the last update date for REP with Michigan Virtual data. If the update was within the last 30 days, run the 30-day report. However, if it has been an extended period, run the report since September to capture all changes since 9/25. Similarly, if you didn't upload a Michigan Virtual REP file in the fall, run the full-year report to include everyone up to the present date. Refer to the Report Information section of the Accessing REP Reports article for detailed information.

Should I generate a Hand Entering REP report or a Bulk Submission REP report?
Utilizing the Bulk Submission report is the preferred method as it ensures that the data uploaded into CEPI mirrors the information in our system. It is also notably quicker when dealing with the addition or update of multiple teachers.
While some REP submitters may opt for manual data entry, this approach necessitates looking up the teacher to obtain the Social Security Number (SSN) and requires careful attention to prevent unintended changes to the data. Both reports generate identical data, allowing a REP submitter to employ Bulk Submission for updating REP and the Hand Entering version for reconciliation if needed.

REP Error Report: There is no row at position 0.
When you upload the file, if you review the error report and encounter the error mentioned below, it indicates that you checked too soon, as the actual error report hasn't been generated yet. Please wait longer for the completion of the actual error report.

--- Beginning of Results —
Error retrieving results
There is no row at position 0.
   at System.Data.RBTree`1.GetNodeByIndex(Int32 userIndex)
   at REP.Library.BusinessLogicLayer.FileResults..ctor(Int32 fileId)
   at ASP.upload_repfiledownload_aspx.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
--- End of Results ---

Warning: [Field 10] At least one of the school/facility codes reported for <firstname lastname> is foreign to the district number of the authorized user. Please verify that this staff member does work in the school/facility reported.
Michigan Virtual REP files include the Districts District Code, while the School/Facility code is 02929, representing Michigan Virtual. This warning serves to inform you that CEPI recognizes 02929 as a code not associated with a building in your district. Nevertheless, it is crucial NOT to alter this value. Maintaining the code 02929 ensures that CEPI is aware the teacher is a Michigan Virtual employee. This type of error is positive. If you navigate to the bottom of the error report, it will specify if there are any fatal errors. If no fatal errors are present, everything is in order.

Warning: You have attempted to update a Social Security Number for an employee that has multiple records in the REP database. All other submitted data have been saved; however, the Social Security Number cannot be updated at this time.
Please contact CEPI at for assistance. Given that Michigan Virtual doesn't include the Social Security Number (SSN) in the REP files, this alert is informing you that REP has not substituted the teacher's SSN with spaces. This is a beneficial warning error. When you check the bottom of the error report, it will specify whether there are any fatal errors. If there are no fatal errors, everything is in order.

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