Intended Audience: Mentors
The interactive dashboard called the Activity Heatmap provides a quick overview of the course activities that students are engaged in. By analyzing the heatmap, instructors or mentors can understand the busiest times for students and the types of activities they are performing. This process outlines the steps to follow in order to (1) find the Activity Heatmap Dashboard, (2) apply filters to display the desired term, course, and/or students, and (3) interact with the different cards.
- First, tap Data and Insights from the Brightspace Navbar and then select Insights Portal.
- Directly beneath the "Insights Portal" title, tap the Analytics Builder tab. Then, scroll down to select Insights Report Builder.
- At this point, a new tab will open. To view the dashboard, open the menu at the top left of the page, expand Mentor Dashboards and then select Activity Heatmap.
Note: In the image above, the menu has been pinned.
- Next, to filter your Activity Heatmap, follow these steps:
- To filter by Term, select the "HM - M - Term Filter" drop-down and choose a term by checking the box next to the term name. Then, click the Apply button. The dashboard will refresh and show only the selected term in the "HM - M - Most Active Learners" and "HM - M - Student Activity Heatmap" cards.
- To filter by Course, select the "HM - M - Course Filter" drop-down and choose a course by checking the box next to the course name. Then, click the Apply button. The dashboard will refresh and show only the selected course in the "HM - M - Most Active Learners" and "HM - M - Student Activity Heatmap" cards.
- To filter by Student, locate the "HM - M - Student Filter" list and check the box next to the student's name. The dashboard will refresh and show only the selected student in the "HM - M - Most Active Learners" and "HM - M - Student Activity Heatmap" cards.
- After filtering the Activity Heatmap, you can interact with the "HM - M - Most Active Learners" and "HM - M - Student Activity Heatmap" cards using the following steps:
- For the HM - M - Most Active Learners card: Use the scroll bar on the right side of the card to view the activity count for the course or activity.
- For the HM - M - Student Activity Heatmap (This card will show the activity count by date for the filtered data): Tap the number within the day to view a list of activities. The results will appear on the Most Active Course Items - Instructors card.
Helpful Tips for the Detailed Activity
- Last Visited Content: this is the most recent time the student has visited this item, Brightspace only saves a timestamp for the most recent visit. However, we can get an approximation of their total visits to that page during their time in the course, this is shared in the Activity Details column.
- For Quizzes, Assignments, and Discussion Boards: if this item is graded, the current value in the gradebook will appear in the Activity Details column, this grade will display on all interactions with the item, and will update if the gradebook is updated. This will not record historical updates to grades, only the current value of the item.
- External Tools: Due to the way Brightspace stores data it is not possible to connect the current grades of these items.
- Activity is sorted chronologically to give an idea of the student's journey through the course.
Card Options
To access additional options for each card, locate the Card options icon (wrench) by hovering over the card. The icon will appear in the top-right corner of the card. Select from the available options.
- Details. Once selected, this option opens the table into a separate page containing only this information. It contains insights such as outliers, averages, and more.
- Schedule as Report. This option allows mentors to distribute the report to themselves or others on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
- Edit Scheduled Report. Selecting this option will allow mentors to adjust the reports they distribute.
- Send Now. This option will allow a mentor to send the report one time to themselves or others.
- Send / Export. Selecting this option will provide options for sending or saving card information.
- Add to Favorites. Choosing this option will add the card to your Favorites page.
- Alert Me. Selecting this option will allow a mentor to create an alert driven by real-time data straight to your inbox.