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Early End Date Requirements and Expectations for K-12 Courses

Enrollment Expectations

  • When enrolling students with Michigan Virtual, it is highly recommended that enrollers choose an end date that aligns closely with their local end date, but also takes into account the grading window required before a student score can be finalized so that final scores are provided in alignment with local needs.
  • The selected end date is chosen by the student’s local school (not Michigan Virtual) and provides a clear and visible data point that all parties can access.
  • This end date appears for students and mentors in the Student Learning Portal (SLP) and in Brightspace.
  • The end date listed in our systems is considered the student’s official end date and is what teachers will use in communications with the students.  If a school would like to communicate a different pace or end date, that is acceptable locally, but Michigan Virtual’s teachers are not a part of this process.

End Date Expectations

  • Michigan Virtual instructors cannot “track” individual students’ or schools’ end dates when they differ from what appears in our official systems.
    • Students may complete a course earlier than their published end date, but may not continue to work after their published end date.
  • To Begin the Traditional Finalization Process
    • There is no action required for the mentor.
    • This means the student will finish working by the original end date in the SLP.
    • Teachers will grade any student work received by 11:59 pm on the student’s end date and submit a final score no later than five business days after the student’s end date.
  • To Begin the Early Finalization Process (prior to SLP end date)
    1. Advise your students of the early end date you’d like them to adhere to.
    2. After the date you have provided to students passes, please allow adequate time for instructors to grade assignments and for system syncing:
      • 72 hours, Monday-Friday, for all courses outside of AP and ELA.
      • 96 hours, Monday-Friday, for ELA and AP courses.
      • We must allow an additional 12-24 hours to allow the SLP and Brightspace to sync during times of high traffic.
    3. After the sync, please review the student’s score in Brightspace and make sure it matches what is reflected in the SLP, and is in alignment with student and school expectations.
    4. Email the instructor alerting them that the score is ready to be finalized. *Once a score is finalized, it cannot be undone.
      • Please note that once a score is finalized, the instructor and the student will lose access to the course and no additional work may be submitted.

A school needs to have their student’s final scores in hand by Thursday, June 12.

  • ELA & AP Instructors need 96 hours, M-F to grade. All other courses require 72 hours, M-F to grade. This means for a traditional Algebra course, the last date to submit work would be Thursday, June 5. The mentor should inform the student this is their last day to work.
  • Instructor grades Friday, 6/6, Monday 6/9, and Tuesday, 6/10. Grading windows do not include weekends or holidays.
  • Michigan Virtual systems require 12-24 hours to sync between SLP and Brightspace during times of high traffic. 
  • The mentor looks at the student’s score in Brightspace on Thursday, 6/12 and sees that it matches the score in the SLP. The mentor can now request that the instructor finalizes the student’s score.

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