Intended Audience: Catalog Managers
Districts are required to create syllabi for their online courses offered through Michigan's Online Course Catalog. With Terms and Prices established, Catalog Managers must proceed to add these course syllabi. Additionally, they need to determine the visibility of each course, choosing whether it should be accessible only within their local district or both in the local district and the statewide catalog.
It is important to note that the fields necessary to save the course syllabus are denoted with an asterisk (*).
To get started, tap the New Course button on the top-right side of the homepage.
As a result, the New Course page will be shown which will contain three sections. Tap a link below to obtain additional information for each page. All required fields (marked with an asterisk) in the first three sections must be completed before the syllabus can be saved.
When finished, continue to complete the Course Review.