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MiCourses: Import Courses from Content Vendors

Intended Audience: Catalog Managers


Michigan’s Online Course Catalog enables its users to import course syllabi from third-party vendors. This procedure outlines the steps to import a syllabus for the purpose of creating a course offering.  

Third-party courses can be imported only when Catalog Managers obtain a "Vendor Code" from a Content Vendor. 


  1. First, tap Find 3rd Party Courses from the Courses page.
  2. Next, use the drop-down fields to filter courses and then tap the Search button to display the results.
  3. At this point, select the desired course(s) by tapping the checkbox to the left of the course name and then tap Add Courses.
  4. Next, enter the Vendor Code, choose to Import Reviews if desired, and then tap the Add Courses button. 
    • If the Vendor Code is not known, please contact the appropriate vendor to obtain the code. If the vendor contact is unknown, please contact our MiCourses team to obtain the vendor contact information.
      Michigan Virtual will not provide the code directly to partnering districts. 
    • If the Import Reviews option is enabled, the review will be automatically included.
      The 3rd Party Course Search page will show confirmation of the added course(s).
  5. Continue to add the Course Offering.

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