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Import List of Student Profiles

Intended Audience: Affiliation Users 


This guide explains how an Affiliation User can add multiple student accounts to the Student Learning Portal (SLP). Affiliation users can create and import multiple accounts using a comma-separated values (CSV) file. Please note that once the student accounts are created, a guardian account will also be generated automatically. The system will send an email to the guardian with the account setup instructions after the student is enrolled in a course. The purpose of creating these accounts is to keep the guardians updated on the student's progress.


Step 1. Create the Import File

  1. First, tap the Affiliations tab in the top menu and then tap your affiliation name.
  2. Next, tap Bulk Import from the left navigation menu and open the Import Student Template.
  3. Then insert a row for each student which contains the required information are as follows:
    • firstname: This cell should contain the student’s first name.
    • lastname: This cell should contain the students last name.
    • dob: This cell should contain the student’s date of birth.
    • email: This cell should contain the student’s unique email address. (This will also be the student’s Username)
    • guardian1firstname: This cell should contain the primary guardian’s first name.
    • guardian1lastname: This cell should contain the primary guardian’s first name.
    • guardian1email: This cell should contain the primary guardian’s unique email address.
    • iep: This cell should contain a “1” if the student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP); if not, the cell should contain the number “0.”
      Note: To ensure compliance, it is crucial that both the IEP and Section 504 columns do not simultaneously include the number 1 (one) in both fields. However, it is acceptable to have a 0 (zero) in both fields simultaneously.
    • section504: This cell should contain a “1” if the student has a 504 Plan; if not, the cell should contain the number “0.”
      Note: To ensure compliance, it is crucial that both the IEP and Section 504 columns do not simultaneously include the number 1 (one) in both fields. However, it is acceptable to have a 0 (zero) in both fields simultaneously. 
    • affiliationindex: Disregard this column, this cell should be blank.
      Note: Do not remove or alter the headers in this file or insert more than 200 students at a time.
      The data for ten students are shown as an example for completing the CSV file in Microsoft Excel.
  4. Next, select File and then select Save As and then choose the location on your computer where the file should be stored.
  5. To finish, rename the file using the File Name field and then change the Save as type field to “CSV (Comma delimited)” using the drop-down options.

Step 2. Import Student Profiles

  1. Begin by returning to the Student Learning Portal.
  2. Next, tap the Affiliations tab on the top menu.
  3. Then tap the name of your school in the “Name” column.
  4. Next, scroll to the bottom of the page and tap Bulk Import Students on the left navigation menu.
  5. At this point, you will be prompted to upload the CSV file created in step 1 above. Proceed by tapping the Choose File button, choosing the file and then selecting Open.
  6. Next, tap the Preview button to display the list of students to be imported.
    The Student Import page is showing an Upload File prompt. An arrow points to the Preview button just below the Choose File area.
  7. Then tap the Choose File button once again and select the file saved in step 2.
    The Student Import page is showing an Upload File prompt. An arrow points to the Choose File button which is located above the Preview and Upload buttons.
  8. Next, select the Upload button to import the students.
  9. At this time, a new column titled “Results” will appear next to each student record.
    • If “OK” is displayed, the student information was imported successfully.
    • If “Fail” is shown, the student profile was not successfully imported and must be recreated. Reference the “Messages” column for additional information.
      The Student Import page is showing an Upload File prompt. An arrow points to the Upload button just below the Choose File area.

Step 3. Verify Import

  1. First, tap the Students tab in the top menu bar.
  2. Finally, review the list of students to ensure the imported students are listed. At this point, student and guardian accounts are created and an email will be distributed to provide them with their login credentials.

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