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Contact and View Messages from My Instructor

Intended Audience: Students 


Within the Student Learning Portal (SLP), students can access the email system to view correspondence related to their courses. This guide explains the steps involved in sending and managing messages via the SLP email system.


  1. First, access your inbox by either, tapping the Messages option from the left navigation menu.
    The Messages page is shown with an arrow pointing to the Messages option in the left menu. The page displays the messages table allowing users to compose an email, reload list, archive in bulk and show archived messages. The results table shows a list of messages and their details.
  2. At this point, you can choose to send messages to users by selecting the Compose button. Continue by populating the To field with the first and last name of the recipient and then select the name that displays in the results. Populate the Subject field with the title of your message and then type a message in the body. Then tap the Choose Files button if you need to attach a file to your message. Next click Send to deliver the message.
    The Compose Message pop-up dialog box is shown. An arrow points from the Compose button to this window. The fields indicated above are shown.
  3. Then select an item in the message grid to either Reply, Forward or Archive a message.
    • To respond to the sender, click the Reply button. Type a response in the body of the message and then click the Send button.
    • Pass on the message to another user by clicking the Forward button. Populate the To field with the users first and last name and then type a message in the body. Click Send to deliver the message.
      Note: The ‘Message System’ is intended for direct messages to users inside the SLP, so typing in an email address in the “TO” field will result in an error message.
    • The Archive option will keep the message, but hide it from your view unless the Show Archived Messages button is enabled.
      The Messages page is shown with arrows pointing to the selected message and to the reply, forward and archive buttons.
  4. Finally, click Reload list to refresh the messages in the folder.

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