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View Mentor Profile Information

Intended Audience: Affiliation Users 


Affiliation Users and mentors may need to view mentor profile information. This process outlines how to locate that information in the Student Learning Portal (SLP).


  1. First, tap the Mentors tab in the top menu bar. As a result, a table containing active mentors for your school(s) will be displayed.
  2. Next, tap the linked mentor name to view the mentors profile information.
    The mentors page is shown with a table of data for all mentors within the affiliation. The data contains a link to the mentor profile, their system ID, email, phone, number of students and affiliation. An arrow points to the linked name within the mentor column.
  3. Finally, use the options in the left navigation menu to view details.
    • Main Page: This page shows the mentor contact information.
    • Edit Account: This option will enable you to modify the mentor contact information.
      Note: Not all Mentors will not see this option.
    • Current Enrollments: This page displays the student enrollments the mentor is actively mentoring.
    • Contact History: This option will display records the last date and time a mentor contacted his/her students (LastContact).
      The Mentor profile page is displayed showing mentor contact information and students he or she is currently monitoring. An arrow points to the left navigation menu with options shown as described above.

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