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Progress Checks Dashboard

Intended Audience: Mentors


In Brightspace's Insights Portal, mentors can access analytics about students in Michigan Virtual courses. The Progress Checks Dashboard displays Gradebook data, including progress checks, student activities, and grade activity. This article explains how to apply filters to view this information. It is recommended to download the report as either a CSV or an Excel file, as it is a large report that may not fully render in other download formats. Additionally, using Excel will preserve any shading or formatting.


  1. First, access the Insights Report Builder.
    1. First, login to the Student Learning Portal (SLP).
    2. Next, tap Go to Courses within the left menu and choose Brightspace
    3. Then tap Data and Insights and select Insights Portal
    4. Directly beneath the "Insights Portal" title, tap the Analytics Builder tab. Then, scroll down to select Insights Report Builder.
  2. Next, view the Progress Checks Dashboard and filter views.
    1. Begin by hovering over the menu icon (hamburger, three horizontal lines on top left).
    2. Then expand the Mentor Dashboards option and choose Progress Checks.
      The Insights Report Builder page has the left menu expanded. An arrow points from the Mentor Dashboards option to the Progress Checks option.
    3. At this point, you will see 5 widgets appear. The first 3 filters (Term, Course and Student) are connected to the results widgets, Gradebook Report and Progress Checks. To view the results, you may use as many filters needed to display your data. Simply select the drop down to place a check next to one or more of the available options and then tap Apply.
      The GR - M - Term widget shows the drop-down menu expanded. Arrows point to the drop-down, the checked term and to the Apply button.
    4. When the results widgets are updated, you may apply an additional filter. Located at the bottom of the page, select the drop down to place a check next to one or more of the available options and then tap Apply.

      Using the Progress Checks Filter will display the information for the selected criteria which will be updated in both the Progress Checks and Gradebook Report widgets.
      The Progress Checks filters are shown with an arrow pointing to the Progress Checks filter drop-down.

    5. To remove filters, tap the FILTER VIEWS drop down button located at the top left corner of the page and select None to clear all filters.
      An arrow points to the FILTER VIEWS drop-down button which displays the None option.


  • Why don't I have Student Activity for some graded items?
    There are two possible reasons for this,
    (1) This can happen for items that the student doesn't have anything to submit, or are done outside of Brightspace and the instructor enters a grade - ex. Conversation Assignments in our World Languages courses.
    (2) This can happen for grade items that are created through LTI or other integrated tools. These tools send the grades through integrations and the system doesn't always grab a Student Activity Stamp.
  • What's the difference between Student Activity and Grade Activity?
    The Student Activity column will give information about the last time something was submitted/posted/completed. The Grade Activity column will give information about the last time the grade item was updated.
  • Why do I have a grade activity stamp and Points Earned is blank?
    Not all activity will result in a grade. Activity such as giving feedback can show-up here. To get the best picture of what is going on, it is recommended to go to the specific item in the course.
  • Why are the progress checks missing for my course?
    The progress checks are a special grade field that is calculated based on assignment grades, if there are no grades for that learner in that group it may not appear. Once the learner receives a grade for an item that is in that group the progress checks will start displaying properly.

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