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Resend Communications

Intended Audience: Affiliation Users 


This process explains the steps that Affiliation users need to take to resend an email communication through the Student Learning Portal (SLP) since the system feature for this action is currently unavailable.


  1. First, tap the Students tab in the top menu bar.
  2. Next, select the linked name within the "Student" column.
  3. Then click the View Communications option from the left menu to locate the communication you want to resend.
  4. Next, tap the icon displayed in the "View" column.
  5. At this point, the Communication Details dialog box will appear displaying the information that was sent.
  6. Next, highlight and copy the text within the Subject and Contents fields and paste them into Notepad (or similar software) and then select the Cancel button.
    An image of the Communication Details dialog box as it appears on the View Communications page shows the fields mentioned above as well as the Date and Category fields. An arrow points to the Cancel button at the bottom of the dialog box.
  7. As a result, you will return to the Student Information page, now tap the Send Email option from the left menu.
  8. Then insert the copied text obtained from step 6 in the Subject and Body fields.
    The Send Message page is shown. An arrow points to Send Message in the left menu and to the body of the message.
  9. Finally, press the Send button to distribute the message.

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