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Schools - Locate Exam Passwords

Intended Audience: Mentors


When a student is enrolled by a school in any course with Michigan Virtual, the mentor must obtain the exam password(s) from the secured, on-demand Passwords Dashboard in the Brightspace Insights Portal. This guide explains the procedure for mentors to acquire the password well in advance of the exam. 

It is recommended that midterm and final exams are proctored. Proctored exams require the mentor to supervise the test while the student is taking it. Additionally, upon completion of the course, access to any portion of the course, including the final exam, will no longer be available.

Note: For homeschool enrollments, guardians should refer to the "Homeschool - Locate Exam Passwords" article.


At the beginning of the term, refer to the course pacing guide to ascertain the dates when exams are scheduled.  To obtain exam passwords, follow these steps:

  1. First, sign in to the Student Learning Portal, tap Go to Courses (under the MySLP tab) and then select Michigan Virtual (Brightspace).
  2. On your Brightspace homepage, navigate to the right, vertical menu and tap Insights Dashboards.
    TIP: Refer to the Insights Report Builder - Manage Dashboards article for help on how to hide the “Quick Start Courses” Menu Option.
  3. Now, tap the menu icon to expand Mentor Dashboards and then select Exam Passwords.
  4. Then apply filters by Term and/or Course to narrow down the options.
    Note: It is important to make sure the term on the chart is accurate.

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